Sunday, May 26, 2013

Saying it Write !

A few exercises for those classes which need to work on pronunciation as well as writing! 

Pronounciation : Will / Won’t
Make predictions about what will happen in various areas in the next century.
Teacher's note: you can really expand on this. Have them talk, take notes and look out for the contracted "will" and "won't". 

·         Medicine / Health
·         Environment
·         Technology
·         Politics / Government
·         The family / Relationships
·         Transportation

Writing: What will your life be like in 10 years?

Pronounciation: Full of sounds

Teacher's note: Have the students read out these. Then read aloud  for them  to recognize the correct sounds. 
1.      Ten tan tennis players attempted to take the champion’s racket.
2.      The cook blended a breakfast drink of bananas and bran in the black blender, but it was too bland to drink.
3.      The experts expended a lot of energy creating a plan for the bride expansion.

Writing: Why is being overweight becoming a global health problem? 

Pronounciation: Words with vowel + R

Ear / air                                    heard / hard                             were / war
Far / fur                                   bird / beard                              heart / hurt
Stir / steer 

Pronounciation: The “o” and the “u”

Teacher's Note: A good chance of reviewing some idioms and practicing the sounds! 

1.       Look up to ( someone )
2.       Lose your shirt
3.       Be in someone’s shoes
4.       Put up with
5.       Pull through
6.       Pull strings
7.       Pull together
a.       Be in someone’s situation
b.      Use influence to avoid rules or regulations
c.       Survive
d.      Tolerate
e.      Admire or respect someone
f.        Lose all your money
g.       Cooperate, unite during bad times

kWriting: What do you like to eat when you’re happy? When you’re worried?

Pronounciation: Complex Vowels ( Wide, House, and boy )

1.      Have you ever gone to a psychic, fortune teller, or palm reader?
2.      Do you know anyone who has premonitions, strong feelings about future events that don’t have a logical explanation?
3.      Do you believe there are people with precognition, the power to predict the future?
4.      Do you believe that some people have the power of telepathy and can “read minds”?
5.      Do you believe in psychokinesis, the ability to make objects move with your mind?
6.      Do you believe that some people are clairvoyant, able to “sense” or “see” distant events?
7.      Have you ever had déjà vu, an inexplicable feeling that you have lived this exact moment before?

Pronounciation: Hearing final Consonants

1.      A belt hanger                                        a bell hanger
2.      Six fish                                                 sick fish
3.      They attacked politicians                       they attack politicians
4.      Build bridges                                        bill bridges
5.      Keep layers                                          key players
6.      Walked quickly                                    walk quickly

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